cLoud9♫ said...

Basically, Jimmy (disabled children) was at home, thinking of some jokes. Then Cartman (Fat Boy) appears and wants to "be with Jimmy" (because Stan and Kyle) did not play with him, went with Jimmy "How Fishsticks, do you like in your mouth?" If they say yes, the AG @ and fish. (Not Cartman a little help in trying to joke and say that it was a joke instead of Jimmy. The joke was famous and everybody started to say. "Kanye is involed in this joke, but I do not understand." Then they all be called AG @ and fish. Then he killed Mencia to start all of this. Kanye In the end it could not and thought it was a fish and the end of the G @ Y ..

Willy Combs said...

Easy to answer ...

"The Sikh religion was founded monastery of Guru Nanak Dev, the term" Sikh "means student, which shows that fans who are learning their life forever. This system of philosophy of religion and the expression is (literally, historically as the Gurmat Council of the gurus) or Sikhs. The followers of Sikhism are ordained, the teachings of Sikh gurus followed by ten or enlightened leaders, as well as the Bible calls Guru Granth Sahib, the selected works of many philosophers of different socio-economic and religious belonging.

The Sikh Gurus tell us that the salvation of various spiritual paths can be achieved so that Sikhs not a monopoly of salvation: "The Lord dwells in every heart and every heart has its own way to reach. Sikhs believe that the People are equally important before God. Sikhs balance between their moral and spiritual values in the pursuit of knowledge and promotes a life of peace and equality, but also affirmative action.

A key feature of the Sikh religion is a non-anthropomorphic concept of God as far as we can to God than the universe itself pantheism interpret (). Sikhism also sees life as an opportunity to know God and discover the divinity in every individual. Even if a comprehensive understanding of God is beyond human beings, Nanak described God as not unknown, and stressed that the eye of God for the "inner" or "heart" of people: adherents must be seen to meditate in order to progress toward enlightenment . Nanak said the revelation through meditation, as the rigorous application permits the existence of communication between God and man.

Jimmy R said...

OK let me tell you. Do you like fish sticks? Do you like fish fingers in the mouth?

Charlotte - said...

Fishticks "Fishdick" sounds.

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