Wednesday, January 6, 2010

How To Help My Baby Clear His Lungs Pregnancy Question For Nurse Or Dr? How Many Weeks Pregnant For A Healthy Baby That Won't Have To Go To NICU?

Pregnancy Question for Nurse or Dr? How many weeks pregnant for a healthy baby that won't have to go to NICU? - how to help my baby clear his lungs

How long until you are in the "clear" that her baby was already born and not placed in an incubator or something? I've heard anything between 37-40 weeks ... Is that correct? Amounts to 37 weeks before he can enter the job and still be able to take baby home immediately in a state of health? If the baby's lungs develop finish in the womb?


oxchicxo said...

Every baby develops differently. Usually babies born 37-41 weeks is almost certain lung imaturities. But once I saw with my own eyes deliverd girl twins in a planned Caesarean section after 28 weeks that the two breathing by themselves and need very little oxygen. (they were so early because the mother was 47 years and had a tubal ligation, then he discovered was 4 months pregnant with twins "boys" and had a very sick 28 weeks. went out and had 2 daughters fraternal WOW huh?) can Amniocentisis be performed to check lung maturation.

oxchicxo said...

Every baby develops differently. Usually babies born 37-41 weeks is almost certain lung imaturities. But once I saw with my own eyes deliverd girl twins in a planned Caesarean section after 28 weeks that the two breathing by themselves and need very little oxygen. (they were so early because the mother was 47 years and had a tubal ligation, then he discovered was 4 months pregnant with twins "boys" and had a very sick 28 weeks. went out and had 2 daughters fraternal WOW huh?) can Amniocentisis be performed to check lung maturation.

oxchicxo said...

Every baby develops differently. Usually babies born 37-41 weeks is almost certain lung imaturities. But once I saw with my own eyes deliverd girl twins in a planned Caesarean section after 28 weeks that the two breathing by themselves and need very little oxygen. (they were so early because the mother was 47 years and had a tubal ligation, then he discovered was 4 months pregnant with twins "boys" and had a very sick 28 weeks. went out and had 2 daughters fraternal WOW huh?) can Amniocentisis be performed to check lung maturation.

oxchicxo said...

Every baby develops differently. Usually babies born 37-41 weeks is almost certain lung imaturities. But once I saw with my own eyes deliverd girl twins in a planned Caesarean section after 28 weeks that the two breathing by themselves and need very little oxygen. (they were so early because the mother was 47 years and had a tubal ligation, then he discovered was 4 months pregnant with twins "boys" and had a very sick 28 weeks. went out and had 2 daughters fraternal WOW huh?) can Amniocentisis be performed to check lung maturation.

Jody said...

All that before 37 Week of pregnancy is premature, but some of the baby's lungs are not well developed in 37 weeks.

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